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Stressed Woman

Individual Counselling

Rachael sees individual adults and adolescents who present with a variety of different issues:

- Anxiety disorders

- Depression

- Grief and bereavement

- Stress

- Abuse and trauma

- Relationship issues

- Assertiveness/communication skills

- Life transition and adjustment issues

- Existential and spiritual issues


She has advanced training in evidence based treatments for helping people who have experienced trauma. These include EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) therapy and Clinical Hypnosis. Rachael completed 100 hours of training in Clinical Hypnosis and Strategic Psychotherapy with internationally renowned psychologist Dr Michael Yapko. She is also an accredited consultant with the EMDR Association of Australia. 

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Forest Trees

Group Therapy and Retreats

Rachael has experience in facilitating interpersonally oriented groups for adults. Group therapy is a great opportunity for people to put what they are learning into practice and receive feedback within safe relationships.


In 2018 Rachael together with her friend Gayle formed 'Amblemore' and developed the 'Ultimate Self Care Challenge'. This is a six-session group course that teaches people how to live an abundant life and to find the joy, peace and purpose they have been longing for. Using evidence-based psychological interventions as well as spiritual and creative practices, the sessions are holistic and practical. The course then culminates in a weekend retreat at beautiful Marian Valley in the Gold Coast Hinterland for a weekend of physical and emotional restoration. In the small group setting of 10, people are supported and have the opportunity to encourage others.


The challenges are usually conducted twice a year. Please contact Rachael if you are interested and go to our facebook page: or our website: for more information. 

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Young Academic Girl

Clinical Supervision

Rachael has been STAP trained and is an experienced clinical supervisor. She is currently enjoying providing supervision to postgraduate Griffith University students, clinical registrars, and fellow clinical psychologists. Rachael is also an EMDR accredited consultant and has been enthusiastically using EMDR since she was trained in 2011. She regularly provides both individual supervision and supervision within a group context to therapists working towards becoming EMDR accredited practitioners. Please contact Rachael directly to arrange individual supervision, but group supervision can be booked online (see below).  Supervision from Rachael therefore means you can work towards endorsement with the clinical college and EMDR practitioner status at the same time.

Book for EMDR Group Consultations

2-hour EMDR Group Consultations are conducted approximately fortnightly. There is a limit of 4 people per group, enabling 30 minutes of focused individual attention. The full two hours can be counted towards your EMDR accreditation (a maximum of 5 hours out of the 10 hours required can be group consultation). If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Rachael directly.

Phone: 0412 465 038

1349 Logan Road, Mt Gravatt, Qld 4122


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