Abundant Life Clinical Psychology
Helping you to create a life of joy, peace and purpose
PHONE: 0412 465 038
Personalised treatment for you
Therapeutic approaches
At Abundant Life Clinical Psychology, Rachael uses a variety of different therapeutic approaches, depending on what is most appropriate for the individual. A thorough psychological assessment is always initially conducted and treatment goals are decided collaboratively. Client satisfaction and progress is evaluated often throughout the process. Treatment approaches include the following:

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
This treatment approach has been utilized for the last three decades and is one of the most emprirically validated treatments for a wide variety of psychological problems. It teaches people to become more aware of their thoughts and focuses on strategies to manage their thoughts more effectively. Skills and strategies are also utilised to help people to actively change their behavioural patterns.
For more information - www.aact.org

Schema Focused Therapy
This is a longer term therapy that specialises in helping people with chronic psychological disturbance and personality disorders. People identify their underying core beliefs/schemas which are developed in childhood, and using a variety of different techniques learn how to manage them in a way that they no longer continue to have an unhealthy impact on their day to day lives.
For more information - www.schematherapy.com

Acceptance and Commitment therapy
ACT is a relatively new therapy that is proving to be very helpful in treating a variety of different disorders. It utilises acceptance and mindfulness techniques, with the focus being to help people to consciously act consistently with their values in order to live a 'rich, full, meaningful life'.
For more information - www.actmindfully.com.au

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy
This is a powerful, evidence based treatment for PTSD which has been used for the last 20 years. It relies on the use of eye movements to bilaterally stimulate the brain, which enables the brain to process the traumatic incident quite rapidly. One of the theories of why it is so effective is that the eye movements are quite similar to what occurs during REM sleep, which is when we process and dream when we are asleep. Because traumatic memories often get 'stuck', the primary purpose of EMDR is to help people to adequately process the memory to enable it to be properly resolved. Of course the memory will always be there, but after the completion of EMDR, it does not continue to feel distressing. For more information - www.emdraa.org

Clinical Hypnosis
Hypnosis has been defined as a 'focused experience of attentional absorption that invites people to respond experientially on multiple levels to amplify and utilise their personal resources in a goal directed fashion' Yapko, 2012. In other words, when people are brought into a deeply relaxed and absorbed state of consciousness, their minds are often much more able to accept ideas that they would otherwise reject. Therefore, hypnosis has proven to be extremely effective in helping people to change long term unhealthy behaviours, as well as to shift unhelpful beliefs. Rachael often uses hypnosis to complement and strengthen other therapeutic strategies. For more information - www.asch.com.au/

Psychodynamic Oriented Therapy
This therapy focuses on exploring the unconscious processes that underpin a person's behaviour in the present. The past is discussed in order to gain insight into recurring symptoms and conflicts. The therapeutic relationship itself is frequently discussed in order for a person to gain awareness of how they relate to others and feedback from the therapist helps them to understand the impact of their behaviour on those around them.

Interpersonal Psychotherapy
IPT is a short term psychotherapy that focuses on interpersonal issues, which are presumed to be the reason for ongoing psychological problems. IPT focuses on reducing symptoms of distress, improving relationships, and increasing a person's social support. For more information - https://iptinstitute.com/about-ipt/